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Welcome To

Primary School

‘Always Learning’

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At Knightwood Primary School we believe in a culture of inclusivity. We pride ourselves on being a strong community, ensuring that every child matters and despite your learning need or disability, you are included in every aspect of our school life. We have the highest expectations for all pupils in our school and it is our job to ensure that any barriers to learning or wider school life are removed through our high-quality teaching and learning and extensive support strategies.  


Our ambition is to help develop all children into happy, healthy, well-rounded young people, who are eager to learn and take on the world. We follow the SEND code of practice (2015) and follow a graduated approach to identify and support all pupils with SEND.  


Every teacher is a teacher of SEND and provides quality first teaching to all pupils.


The Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Mrs Hannah Corrall. She can be contacted via email (adminoffice@knightwood.hants.sch.uk) or telephone (023 80 261900). 

Knightwood SEND Identification Pathway

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