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Welcome To

Primary School

‘Always Learning’

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Year R - September 2024

A warm welcome to our new year R families who will be joining us in September 2024


The national notification date for on-time applicants is

16 April 2024


If you applied online, you will be sent an e-mail confirming the outcome of your application on the notification date. 


If you applied using a paper form, you will be sent a letter on the notification date by post. Please allow 2 to 3 working days for your letter to arrive.


To accept the place that you have been offered, you must provide the school with evidence of the address provided on your application form and of your child’s date of birth before the child starts school.


You will be asked to provide two of the following as evidence of address:


  • a recent household bill, for example a gas, electricity, water, or Council Tax bill
  • a recent bank statement, credit card statement, or store card statement

And if you have moved house:

  • a solicitor’s letter confirming that exchange of contracts has taken place, or
  • a signed tenancy agreement (usually for a 12-month period)


You will also be asked to bring in your child's passport or birth certificate to confirm their date of birth


If you have not been offered a place at your preferred school, your child will be added to the waiting list. You also have a right of appeal against the refusal.


When you bring these documents into school we will provide you with hard copies of the documents below.  Once of which is a booklet which we would ask that you complete and return and a page in the welcome letter which again we would be grateful if you could complete and return to us.


Please see below for school documents.  Some of this is for information and some we ask you to complete and return to us.


We will try to keep this section updated

We will provide hard copies of these booklets when you come into school with your documents to confirm your school place.


Please provide us with evidence of the address (x2) provided on your application and your child's date of birth by Tuesday 2nd May 2023 - Thank you

Please could we ask you to complete and return the packs to the school office as soon as possible or by the 9th May 2024.  You are welcome to email the completed pack to adminoffice@knightwood.hants.sch.uk



Thank you for your help with this

Our uniform provider is Skoolkit, you can order online or purchase in store.  The closest Skoolkit to our school is located in Eastleigh.  For full details of items available and pricing, see the attached flyer.


Please note that between 22nd July & 28th July,

SkoolKit are offering 10% discount to our new Yr R children.


Please see below some information from HC3S who provide our school lunches


An up-to-date Year R Starter Guide is now live and available to view and download from our Year R hub.  It has been especially designed in a digital format to be viewed on a smart phone or tablet rather than a printed format, as part of our sustainability goals. 82% of the visits to our website and social media channels are from a phone or tablet so we encourage you to share the link to our online guide via your newsletters and school website. The guide includes useful hints to get school lunch ready, the benefits of children eating a school lunch and the link to our special diet portal registration.  HC3S would like to encourage our new starter parents to follow them on Facebook and Twitter for even more top tips to get their little one big school ready!  


HC3S - Dates for the diary:


We are going LIVE on Facebook with our in-house dietitian, where we will chat with parents about the tasty nutritious food your child will eat when starting school for the first time. Whatever questions they have we'll be ready to help.


We also have two interactive events on our Facebook page where new Year R parents can join our Q & A about the tasty nutritious food children will be eating when starting school for the first time.



If your child needs a special menu please register and use this link - please note the HC3S ask that this is done by the 16th June so they are able to prepare your child's special menu ready for September.

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