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Welcome To

Primary School

‘Always Learning’

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Visions and Values

Our school fosters well being and a sense of belonging within an inclusive, supportive community. We will empower children to understand themselves, others and the wider world enabling them to be confident, emotionally resilient and successful global citizens. 


The four key elements of our vision are:


1. Well being and a sense of belonging - We place the well-being of our students at the forefront of our educational approach. At Knightwood we believe that when children feel safe, valued, and a sense of belonging, they are best poised for learning and personal growth. 


2. Inclusive - Knightwood Primary is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse community that reflects the richness of the wider world. We  actively promote an atmosphere of understanding and respect. Our children will know that we are all different but we are all welcome. 


3. Empowering global citizens - We champion our children to not just be academically accomplished but also possess the knowledge and skills to engage with the world as informed and responsible citizens. Our curriculum is designed to foster global awareness, critical thinking, and a strong sense of social responsibility. We empower our students to contribute positively to their local and global communities.


4. Emotional resilience and confidence - Knightwood Primary strives to equip students with the emotional intelligence and resilience needed to navigate life's challenges with confidence. Through our curriculum and support, we help children develop the self-awareness, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills necessary for success in school and beyond.


Our three school values were chosen by children, staff, parents and governors:

Kindness, curiosity and resilience

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Vision and Values

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