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KSA - The Knightwood School Association

We are proud to be the Parent-teacher Association (PTA) for Knightwood Primary School known as the Knightwood School Association (KSA).

The key objective of the KSA is to raise funds to continually improve the school and its curriculum for our children. 

We intend to: 

enlightenedSet up and run fundraising events which involve children and their parents/carers and to add to the overall positive experience of being at Knightwood

enlightenedIdentify and fund projects within the school to enhance curricular activities for all year groups

enlightenedRespond to funding requests from the school to make sure that any funding offered meets our overall objective - to make sure that any money spent will directly benefit the children and broaden their development.


Wondering how you can get involved?

Please contact us at if you'd like to take part in event planning, or if you have ideas for raising funds.


Making Fundraising SIMPLE!

Please remember to support us whilst you shop!

Go to to SIGN UP!

easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into donations for your favourite cause, at no cost to you.

How? Just visit your favourite retailers through the easyfundraising website and shop as normal! Once you've made a purchase our retailers will then make a small donation to your cause to say “thank you”

Match funding is a simple way of maximising fundraising efforts for PTA volunteers. Not all companies offer matched funding but those that do will pledge a sum of money relating to the amount their employee has raised for or donated to the charity of their choice. Some organisations will match fund on a £ for £ basis, others will stipulate what they are prepared to give. It is likely that an upper limit will be applied along with certain criteria such as the recipient organisation being a registered charity.
Some companies will also pledge time and resources instead of money, so enabling their employees to support a cause during their working week, or offering a tangible service such as the opportunity to print posters, programmes, newsletters and so on.

It’s a simple process and not at all complicated.
It will cost the individual nothing extra other than some time to talk to their employer!